Group Detail

Work Entry

Chandler Campus

Mark Atencio

Deahdra-Lynn Atencio

Joseph Tan

We have been called by the Holy Spirit to lead this group. Based on Acts 2:42 our prayers and goals for this group: 1- Glorify God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, 2- Support, Uplift and to Build Each other up. 3 - Serve and grow together in our relationship with Christ and each other, 4- Be led by the Holy Spirit in all of our get togethers and wherever we come and go, 5- Have fun and enjoy each other and God's love. Come join us to grow in relationship with God, each other and the community. Our studies are biblically based with life application discussions on topics the groups determines. We meet at 1:00pm - 3:00 pm at the home of a member that lives 5 minutes from church. Grab some lunch and come by the right after 2nd service. Led by Mark and Deahdra-Lynn Atencio.
Sunday at 1:00 PM

Interested in this Group?

We’ll let the Group leader know so they can follow up with more details.