Group Detail

Work Entry

Chandler Campus

Courtney Neugart

Stronger Together provides a safe and welcoming space for women to share experiences, uplift each other, and find solace in life’s ups and downs. Whether seeking support, connection, or spiritual growth, Stronger Together is here for you. Let’s navigate life together, celebrating victories and offering support during challenging times. Join our community and embark on this transformative journey of growth, support, and sisterhood. March 20th-May 20th we will be reading the book “Worthy”, by Jamie Kern Lima together! What has self-doubt already cost you in your life? WORTHY is how you change that. Imagine what you'd do, if you FULLY believed in YOU! When you stop doubting your greatness, build unshakable self-worth and embrace who you are, you transform your entire life! WORTHY teaches you how, with simple steps that lead to life-changing results!
Monday at 6:30 PM

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